

NodeCG features a system for management and playback of sound cues. To add sound cues to your bundle, create a nodecg.soundCues array in your package.json:

"name": "test-bundle",
"nodecg": {
"soundCues": [
"name": "name-only"
"name": "default-volume",
"defaultVolume": 80
"name": "non-assignable",
"assignable": false,
"defaultFile": "sound/default-file.ogg"
"name": "default-file",
"defaultFile": "sound/default-file.ogg"
"name": "single-channel",
"channels": 1

Your bundle will now have a card on the Mixer page of the Dashboard.

defaultFiles are audio files that you ship with your bundle. They will be available to that specific cue as a "Default" option in that cue's dropdown select on the Mixer.

channels determines how many instances of a sound can be playing simultaneously. The default value is 100. If set to 1, only one instance can play at a time, and a new instance cannot be started until the currently playing instance has completed.

If your bundle has at least one cue that is assignable, it will gain a "Sounds" Asset category. This category accepts .ogg and .mp3 files. Any audio files uploaded to this category will become available as options in all of your assignable cues' dropdown boxes.

If your bundle has Sound Cues, the following API methods will be available to your graphic: