
Error Reporting with Sentry.io

NodeCG v0.9 adds support for Sentry.io, a service for tracking errors. Sentry is especially useful for developers whom manage multiple NodeCG instances and need to be informed of both server-side and client-side errors as they happen.

To add Sentry to your NodeCG instance, you'll first need to create a Sentry account and a Sentry project. Then, add the following to your instance's NodeCG config:

"sentry": {
"enabled": true,
"dsn": "your project's DSN, used as an API key to report errors"

Once Sentry is configured, any uncaught exceptions or unhandled promise rejections either on the server or on the client will be reported automatically.

In addition, any use of nodecg.log.error will also be reported to Sentry.