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The Asset system enables bundle authors to provide a means for end users to upload custom files from the dashboard for use in the bundle. To enable the Asset system in a bundle, add code like the following to your bundle's package.json:

"name": "test-bundle",
"nodecg": {
"assetCategories": [
"name": "thumbnails",
"title": "Thumbnails",
"allowedTypes": [
"name": "boxart",
"title": "Boxart",
"allowedTypes": [

NodeCG will automatically create a Replicant for each assetCategory in a bundle. To access these asset Replicants, declare them as you would any other Replicant in your bundle. For example:

const thumbnails = nodecg.Replicant('assets:thumbnails');
const boxart = nodecg.Replicant('assets:boxart');

These Replicants are arrays. Each item in these arrays describes one of the uploaded files:

"base": "square.png",
"namespace": "test-bundle",
"category": "thumbnails",
"ext": ".png",
"name": "square",
"sum": "3f5828ff83eb099fe11a938f25e57afe8745efdc",
"url": "/assets/test-bundle/thumbnails/square.png"